Embracing Family Values & Personal Growth | About CC RAE

From an early age, I learned the values of family, the importance of relationships, and the significance of hard work. Being an only child fostered a deep connection to my family. So devoted to these values, I even chose to attend a college close to home to remain near my family. But it was after marriage and becoming a parent that I discovered the profound, transformative power of familial bonds. The roots of my journey lie in these cherished relationships.

It was during my college years, while pursuing a communications degree, that I honed my skills in connecting with people on a deeper level. Since then, dedicated hours have been invested in the relentless pursuit of self-improvement, not only to enhance the lives of my family but to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others. My mission is clear: to reassure individuals that it's absolutely okay not to be okay, to kindle the belief that everything will eventually be alright, and to inspire self-confidence, self-worth, and the unapologetic embrace of one's true self.

Join me on this thrilling journey; fasten your seatbelt, for it promises to be an exhilarating and transformative ride.